1 Reviews - NeemAura, Neem Leaf, Liquid Herbal Extract, 1 fl oz (29.57 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on May 17, 2024
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Back in Novemeber of 2023, I got new shoes for work that ruined both of my big toenails in a day. By the end of my shift, both my big toenails were purple and hurt a lot. After a few weeks, both toenails were lifting up from my nail beds and had dried up blood and what not underneath. Then both nails also started turning yellow. TMI, I know I'm sorry. I tried many other products with no luck at all. I bought this extract after reading a review that had a picture of a clear nail growing at the base of their nail. What I do is after washing my feet in the shower, i use rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad to completely wipe my toenails. The dosage I use is a few drops of this neem extract underneath my toenails and then 1 drop on my nail. I also was using a little neosporin on the corners of my toenails because my toenails were so loose they were poking me. I also use a fabric bandaid to completely hold down my nails. It took about a month to start seeing the benefits of this treatment. My nails started growing clear even though the tops of my nails are yellow. I have been taking pictures to document the progress but honestly they are kinda gross to post. I have been using this every day for 3 month and my nails are almost 1/2 grown out clear. I also have been keeping them trimmed kind of short so when they grow a little, I just trim some of the gross part off. I really hope this helps someone because I was really struggling to find something that could help me. This product has good quality ingredients and the size of the bottle seems small but in the 3 months I have been using, I have used only 1/4 of the bottle. I have no idea what this tastes like, I am using on my toes only.