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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Oct 24, 2016
Verified Purchase

My beloved dog, Bonnie (border collie/blue heeler mix), has had extremely aggressive cancerous tumors for about two years, which I fought naturally many ways. Within the past month, however, these had suddenly spread all over her belly, sides, chest, and up under her tail. Several were extremely large. She staggered, didn't seem "present" at times anymore, and I couldn't bear thinking of the pain I knew she was in. Several things which I quickly started: *I began to picture/imagine Bonnie healthy and playing with her sticks (visualization) every day, refusing to dwell on discouraging symptoms, and believing she is healed of cancer despite appearance. *She began getting freshly juiced carrot, kale, celery, and salad greens, split up into three times per day, given with a dropper syringe. (Also good homemade food as she will eat.) *I was also led to start with apricot kernels immediately, and have been giving her as many of these ground up apricot kernels nearly around the clock as she can handle without nausea. She gets them every few hours, and has been having about 40 per day with no problem! (I grind them daily and keep in an empty spice bottle.) Actually, often she seems to crave the kernels and licks the powder right out of my hands. If she doesn't, I put several large pinches into the side of her mouth, and wash the power down with water in a dropper. At first, she had high fever and was barely able to stagger outside. Now her tumors are shrinking, temperature is normal, and she is actually able to play a little bit again! She is getting her lively doggie personality back too. I will later reduce the number of kernels to maintenance amount. Unless a life and death situation with a dog I wouldn't give such a large number, and would work up to what the dog can handle easily. Thank you for offering these, and I hope this review helps someone.